
The Giuliani workshop has the particularity of bringing together all the jeweller gestures. Giuliani creations are preciously handled by a team of experts in jewelry creation. Jewelers, art casters and setters have the art of giving life to the imagination of the creator. The precision is based on a know-how of tradition and innovation.

From design to the jewelry box

Dominique Giuliani has chosen to integrate all the jewelry trades in order to offer his jewels an exceptional quality. From the creative idea to the ultimate polishing, each step is worked in team. The curves, lines and gems are constantly maintained with the technique. Every creation has its own dedicated team, composed of four craftsmen: two jewelry workers, an art caster and a setter. The precious hands of the workshop revive the natural sensuality of the gems by the balance and precision of their setting. Thanks to his experience, the designer guarantees the workmanship of unique jewelry pieces.

Innovate by tradition

Trained and attracted by new high-tech challenges, Dominique Giuliani has gradually equipped his workshop with innovative equipment. Technology is present, without for all that, replacing the human aspect of production. The performance of one reinforces the know-how of the other. Together, they take up the artistic challenges generated by creativity and the search of the exceptional.

Excellence and ethics

Giuliani Joaillier works with workshops who respect the professional standards and the know-how of the French jewelry making industry, as well as the laws and norms imposed in the sector.

These workshops have labels attesting to responsible environmental and social practices on the entire jewelry supply chain, from the mines to the shop window.

The collection

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